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Proud Flower OPEN for "Bench"side Pick-ups and Deliveries!

Friends! First of all, I hope you are healthy. I wish you continued good health! Secondly, I THANK YOU Vermont friends for your personal sacrifices to keep our community and our great state safe for all! I have never felt prouder to be a Vermonter :) We are strong and we take care of our own!

I am so happy to say, that because of all our efforts, I feel confident in RE-OPENing Proud Flower (in a limited capacity) Yay! Hurray! I will re-open on Monday, April 27 for CURBSIDE PICK-UPS (actually…it’s a bench!) and no contact DELIVERIES!

Please call me at the shop 802-244-6853, just as you regularly would! We can talk about what I have available for beautiful fleurs and plants, and we will set up a BENCHSIDE PICK-UP or DELIVERY. It’s not too early to make Mother’s Day orders! You can also order online! If using the website, please understand I might have to make substitutions based on the availability of product.

2020 SugarTowne wood-fired maple syrup is also available! We have all sizes of Amber Rich and Dark Robust syrup. As always, it is DELICIOUS!

As for business hours, those will be flexible, as needed to fill orders and make deliveries! It will be just me here at Proud Flower, working solo. I will make sure to follow the COVID-19 safety protocol. This will be a great time to get my shop in tip-top condition…ready for you when you can come back in and browse and shop.

I have greatly missed the flowers and being a small part of the joyful exchange that flowers always bring. I hope to talk to you soon. Local friends, I will wave at you through my big beautiful windows here at Proud Flower!!! nina

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